Credit Card Scanning Safari
Using the stack App
Wi-Fi Calling
Camera Mode Time-Lapse
Hide Pictures in Photos App
If our greatest asset in August raid IOS focuses on major changes announced by Apple, this iOS 8 raid highlights some of the most interesting new features and improvements, but less mobile operating system from Apple around the beta testing period.
Apple released iOS 8 to the public on September 17, 2014, two days before the launch of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Before the public launch, the software went through five betas to developers before a master of gold was released on September 9.
The current version of iOS 8 is iOS 8.1.3, a minor update released on January 27 with several bug fixes and performance improvements. Before iOS 8.1.3, Apple released iOS 8.1 with new features like SMS payment Apple and transfer calls. Apple has seeded iOS 8.2 beta for multiple developers, the SDK WatchKit and some other bug fixes. iOS 8.2 could be released in March. iOS 8.3, which adds features like wireless CarPlay and a new emoji selector is also in development.